The Village Documentary


DA+ Presents The Village, a documentary produced and directed by David Alexander. This social masterpiece was created to highlight the positive work happening in the inner city of Chicago. This story is about the people making a positive difference from within. Available on all streaming platforms May 2022.

There is an African proverb ‘Oran a azu nwa’ which means “it takes a village to raise a child”. This statement itself means that the entire community must interact with children for them to experience, grow, and thrive in any environment because of the guidance and support from which they originated from. In the city of Chicago, the thought of support and love coming from the community in an organic way could be easy to overlook. In this documentary we examine the exponential positive growth within Chicago youth. Breaking down education and guns violence we dissect the changes that are being made and show how the community leaders of Chicago have stepped in to truly make a difference. A film written, directed, and produced by David Alexander.


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